The way that we consume information is constantly changing. More people are putting down physical books and picking up laptops or tablets. When learning to code, people are looking for more interactive experiences to really get that knowledge to sink in. In this episode, Maria Naggaga (@LadyNaggaga) joins Rich (@RunFaster2000) to talk about the Try .NET project, which allows people to experiment with and learn .NET in the browser. 00:48 - Maria and Rich talk about the various ways people are learning today 03:03 - Maria demos a quick start powered by Try .NET 05:58 - Maria shows Try .NET in it's raw form 07:28 - Maria talks about hosting options and future features If you're interested in learning more or want to try out Try .NET, here are some links that should be helpful to you. C# Interactive Quick start: Try .NET Online Editor: .NET Documentation: Try .NET GitHub repository: